Modern and Medieval Woodturning
Pens and Pencils
Prices do not include sales tax
shipping is additional
pickup and limited delivery are available

Here are some examples of pens and pencils we make

Please note these photos may not reflect the actual stock in-hand.
This photo shows the pens in stock on 5 Dec 2020.
From the top right; letter-openers, fountain pens, Dragon Pens, dip pen, chalk holder,
Cat pen, Knight Pens, Faith-pens, EuroPen, Slimline Pen

Pen prices vary from $15 to $120, depending on the wood and the hardware costs.

Prices do not include sales tax
Shipping is additional
Pickup and limited delivery are available

This page shows what may be available. 
Please inquire for details on current inventory.
Euro Style
The Euro style maybe our most popular
style of pen
Euro and Knight
some with stylus ends
(for phones and tablet)
Letter Openers
and basic Fountain pens
Shotgun Fountain Pen
example wood is Black Walnut
Slim line Pen
a very popular pen
SteamPunk Pen
a popular pen with the SteamPunk
HotRod or Gear Head
example in Madrone Burl
HotRod note the shifter
and tread pattern on pen
example in SpectraPly
We also do specialty
pens, like the dip(ink well) pen special
ordered                      example in Maple
Dog themed pens
examples in Madrone Bur, Olive and
Cat themed pens
example in SpectraPly
Chinese style Dragon
examples in Madrone Burl and Bloodwood
available in both Fountain and Ballpoint
Celtic style 
note the knotwork
example in Madrone Burl and Redheart
Faith-Hope-Love pen
with a Christian Cross
example in Olive
Chalk holder
Examples in spalted Maple and Madrone
We have even made one from Soapstone!

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